Young Lad
Since I was a kid, I've always been around computers either playing video games, repairing them or most frequently smashing them 😱, when opponent team would kill me in counter-strike.
This one particular memory could sum up my childhood. I recall, I had a PC on kitchen table, yeah you heard right desktop pc right there (we we're redecorating), all plugged in, up and running, playing counter-strike 1.6 while my dad was assembling IKEA wardrobe and my phone just rang.
Yo Frank let's go out with us, play footbal.. (lads) Sorry I can't, helping father assemble wardrobe 🤐, I'm really sorry, next time (me). Right after I sad that, I threw a grenade in cs (counter-strike), my speakers would go loud "FIRE IN THE HOLE" and I ashamedly shut down the call as fast as i could. Yeah..
I tried all kinds of sports from football, cycling, gym to airsoft, but never sticked to any of them. PC was still #1, especially gaming.
Secondary School
I went to Secondary school of Electrical Enginnering, K. Adlera, located in north/west side of Bratislava called Dubravka. This is where my programming journey started, meanwhile competing in local (SK, CZ, HU) competitions of cs 1.6.
There was couple of fields to choose from, I picked computer systems which happened to be a great choice. My theoretical foundations were built there (from algebra, algorthms, c++ programming to building things) combined with lots of hands-on experience were in retrospective a great headstart for my programming career.
Some of the things I accomplished during school:
- CCNA Fundamentals certification (Cisco networking) .
- As a final exam I recorded tutorial videos for Cinema 4D and created a website in PHP for these tutorials.
At the end of secondary school I was choosing between Slovak University of Technology and the Faculty of Economic Informatics at University of Economics in Bratislava. Because I always liked statistics, math and in combination with coding, it was a dream scenario, thats why I picked latter.
During C programming classes, I was quite ahead of my peers (because of my great secondary school) and that didn't go without notice. After some of those classes, professor Ľubomír Turňa, RNDr., CSc. offered me to become a co-author of his publication at International Scientific Conference for eLearning. I embraced the opportunity right away although those couple of minutes before conference as my stomach was crumbling were scary, but we made it!
Achievements & Work
- As a co-author with Ľubomír Turňa, RNDr., CSc. and presenter of publication at International Scientific Conference for eLearning. I built the .Net Application for data model analyses as well. Numerical verification of model results to take account of gradation, feedback, repetition and forgetting in the learning process with reference to the need for the inclusion of these processes in eLearning. Link to conference (2015)
- Application of fuzzy logic in the decision-making processes on financial markets (Master's thesis). The aim of the final work was to develop the credit fuzzy application in programming language C# and subsequently finding the most suitable products for the customer with the help of simulations from my application focused on consumer non-purpose loans. Built in .NET WPF. (2017)
- Amortization schedule in programming language C# (Bachelor's thesis). The aim of the final work was to develop the amortization schedule calculator in programming language C# for desktops and compare the debt repayment types in pursuance of the simulations from my application. Built in .NET WPF. (2015)
- Internships at two local development studios building apps in .NET WPF and working with Microsoft SQL DB.
Post Academics
Right after graduation (2 days after) I started a job as a Backend Engineer in .Net at CRIF.
Find detailed information about projects →
Oh my... Just sit back, relax and wait for this chapter to unfold 🙂.